Queen of Pentacles



A person with medium skin tone reclines with a pleased expression on their face, eyes closed. Their long purple hair is braided and they are draped in a purple cloth. In their right hand they hold a fig with a gold star on it, and in their left hand they hold a slice of the fig to their mouth. Three pentacles serve as plates, holding more slices of the fig to share. A green vine drapes across the top of the scene, and in the background are purple checked curtains tied back with golden rope.

Key words

Upright: nurturing, opulence, sensuality

Reversed: dependence, indebtedness, selfishness

Reflection questions

  • How can I better care for myself and others?
  • How can I find a balance between work, domestic responsibilities, nurturing relationships, and self-care?
  • What are my long-term goals for building a fulfilling and sustainable life for myself and my loved ones, and how am I actively working towards those goals?

Queen of Pentacles Upright

The Queen of Pentacles is resourceful, intelligent, and charitable. They show love by providing from others, whether it be cooking, making a shared space comfortable, or being generous with finances. They have found the balance between work, domestic responsibilities, nurturing relationships, and self-care. They invite you to invest in your personal space, making it as comfortable as possible. Get in touch with your body and your senses to create an environment that brings you pleasure.

Queen of Pentacles Reversed

The Queen of Pentacles in reverse represents someone who is either overdependent on others or investing too much in others while ignoring their own needs. They may lack balance, focusing too much on one area of their life and ignoring other aspects. This may be rooted in feeling like they don’t deserve that which they are neglecting. Know that you deserve to bring your whole self to the table, and ask yourself which areas of your life could use more attention.