Eight of Pentacles



A person with long, white hair looks down at a quilt they’re sewing. They have a needle resting between their lips and hold another needle attached to a yellow thread in their right hand. Their left hand holds the quilt and the spool of thread. The quilt is pink with yellow edges and eight yellow and orange Pentacles form a pattern.

Key words

Upright: skill development, craftsmanship, natural talent

Reversed: perfectionism, lack of motivation, squandering efforts

Reflection questions

  • What opportunities for growth and development are available in my career or personal life?
  • How do I balance the desire for perfection with the need to accept and learn from mistakes?
  • Am I fully engaged and present in the work I'm doing, or am I simply going through the motions?

Eight of Pentacles Upright

The Eight of Pentacles represents a methodical, maybe even perfectionist approach to work (or, if not related to work, an effort to improve life circumstances in general). Your efforts will pay off so long as you stay focused and work on improving your skills. Even those with natural talent can benefit from making time to improve their craft.

Eight of Pentacles Reversed

Is perfectionism getting in the way of progress? Or are you focusing on less important tasks as a means of procrastination? If you’re feeling bored, see if you can focus on non-repetitive tasks to change things up. Remember that you don’t have to be perfect at something in order for it to be a worthwhile endeavor, and it’s helpful to start on a large task even if you feel you can only make a small dent for now.