VI. The Lovers



Two people holding hands emerge from the top and bottom of the scene, looking down at the viewer. One person is light-skinned and has top surgery scars, and the other person has dark skin. A pink ribbon is tied around each person’s wrist and the ribbons are joined together in a knot. Two other pairs of people, shadowed in pink, appear on the left and right side of the two main figures. A white sun shines in a hot-pink sky and flowers grow in the corners of the scene.

Key words

Upright: relationships, choice, duality, values

Reversed: discord, imbalance, interference

Reflection questions

  • Am I being authentic and true to myself in my relationships?
  • How can I achieve a greater sense of harmony and balance in my relationships with others and within myself?
  • What is a decision I'm currently faced with? How can I move forward in alignment with my values?

The Lovers Upright

The Lovers is commonly associated with relationships, but it can also represent a major decision that lies ahead. Relationships, however, are a kind of decision: love of any kind must be consciously created and nurtured rather than treated as something that will “just happen” and then sustain itself. Like relationships, decision-making should come from a place of intentionality, honesty (with yourself and others!), and accountability. Listen to your values and desires rather than what you think you “should” want or believe. Take time to give the situation the consideration it deserves.

The Lovers Reversed

You may feel like you’re being pulled in opposite directions— forced to choose between your head and your heart, your career or your family, or perhaps a romantic relationship is pulling time and focus away from your friendships. The Lovers in reverse is a reminder to restore balance to all aspects of your life. Ensure there is equal give and take in your relationships, and remember to cultivate your relationship with yourself. Show compassion to yourself, even the parts that make you feel uneasy or ashamed. Our perceived shortcomings are often coping mechanisms for needs that have gone unmet. How can you move toward getting those needs met?